Friday, February 10, 2012

review - The Iron Lady

So let’s get this straight: “The Iron Lady” ‘aint your fun, popcorn ‘n candy movie experience!

But yet, the movie ticket price of 35dhs,well spent ….

The Iron Lady of politics, portrayed by the Iron Lady of Hollywood; quite a lethal combination! There are times, especially in the scenes featuring the aged Dame Maggie Thatcher, when you have to pinch yourself to remember, that behind that steely image, is the darling of American cinema, the happy, bubbly & hugely talented Meryl Streep!

The guts & the glory of being Meryl Streep; what courage it must take to portray a living legend, that too, a tough-cookie like Maggie!

A blast from the past, when you remember this remarkable politician, who went on to become the first female Prime Minister of England & the longest serving one at that – wow!

The image of the steely young Margaret, on being proposed to, asserting that she doesn’t want to simply live, playing wife & mother & die washing a tea cup, but to matter and make a difference – wow, goose bump moment & a personal favorite!

What pulls the rug from under your feet as a the viewer, is the fact that the movie is largely about an aged, widowed, vulnerable, sometimes helpless old lady, fighting dementia – a harsh reminder that old age is a leveler!

The movie flits between the poignant present & the glorious past - the young Maggie who meets the love of her life, who with steely determination takes on the male dominated benches of Parliament, rises to become PM, leads England to victory in the Falklands war …. Uncompromising in her duty to the country, but certainly faltering as a wife & mum! Remarkable that “Thatcherism’, as her brand of politics came to be known, is being echoed by current UK PM, David Cameron!

A compelling watch – though at times, you wonder why the director focused more on the old, hallucinating, sometimes senile & grieving parts of Margaret Thatcher’s life; especially when the flashes of her feisty comebacks in Parliament, her makeover (yeah, apparently stodgy Prime Ministers have ‘em too!), her stubborn refusal to give up her pearls, the refreshing romance with her husband … all so uplifting & enjoyable!

The life ‘n times of an extraordinary woman of substance, played with courage, understanding, sensitivity and a sense of humor, by the one and only Meryl Streep! That’s what you call a double whammy! With due apologies to Viola Davis, who was fabulous in the “The Help”, I’ll be rooting for Meryl Streep at Oscar awards this year, for her role as the living legend, Margaret Thatcher!


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